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About Us

Who are The Afternoon Farmers?

Welcome to The Afternoon Farmer, the most interesting site on the internet.

Here’s what you should know about the crackpot content team:

We’re a family of 6, ranging from well-aged to quite fresh.

We’re Christians, first and foremost.

We home school, so we’re even weirder than you realized.

Despite the technical thinking and writing ability present in the adults of the family, we’ll probably write sloppily atimes, and we’re going to let the kids write if they’d like. Relax, please. We’re letting our hair down, so to speak.

We’re just going to write about what we want. We’re not trying to make tons of money by putting up a shabby website. No, we created a shabby website to write about things that interest us, and sometimes things that might be beneficial to others. We’ll probably also make jokes that are so hot, fresh, and witty that the internet will be singed to its last byte. You won’t want to miss it.